
31 March 2017

Get-HealthReport - Get your daily dose of builtin Exchange HealthReport checks in your mailbox

Fooking for some stuff about Skype for Business I came across a great post by Joakim Storrank over at

He had a few scripts he uses for monitoring, 2 he mentions I use as well but the third caught my eye.

It was a great oneliner (gotta love those) about the builtin HealthReport checks for Exchange.
The thing is that it was for 1 server and I have several so I made some adjustments and look here now it can be used for an array of servers.

Thanks Joakim, and check out his post about the Health Checking / Monitoring Exchange Server 2013/2016

Run it as a scheduled task daily with these arguments:
powershell.exe -noprofile - file "C:\_Scripts\Get-HealthReport\Get-HealthReport.ps1"

Note the spaces around "Style" for the table, I had some trouble getting the code to display correctly.

The Script:
## Get-HealthReport            
## Purpose: Sends report on the builtin Exchange HealthReport commandlets            
## Author: Edwin van Brenk            
## Date: 30 march 2017            
## Version: 1.0            
## Credits go to Joakim Storrank for his excellent oneliner: 
#Load Exchange 2013 Module             
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.SnapIn            
#SMTP options for sending the report email            
$smtpServer = ""            
$smtpFrom = ""            
$smtpTo = ""            
$messageSubject = "Get-HealthReport $Computers"            
$logPath = "C:\_Scripts\Get-HealthReport\"            
# Build table for html files, remove the space around "Style"            
$style = "< style >BODY{font-family: Arial; font-size: 10pt;}"            
$style = $style + "TABLE{border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;}"            
$style = $style + "TH{border: 1px solid black; background: #dddddd; padding: 5px; }"            
$style = $style + "TD{border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px; }"            
$style = $style + "</ style >"            
# End HTML Output file style            
$Date = Get-Date -Format dd-MM-yyyy            
## The Servers to test            
$Computers = "server1","server2","server3","server4"
# Start the Script            
Foreach($computer in $Computers)            
# Choose what you want to see, all status' or everything but healthy or everything but healthy and disabled by commenting out the desired line            
#$GetStuff = Get-HealthReport -Server $Computer | Select server,state,healthset,alertvalue,lasttransitiontime,monitorcount #-AutoSize            
#$GetStuff = Get-HealthReport -Server $Computer | where {$_.alertvalue -ne “Healthy” -and $_.AlertValue -ne “Disabled”}  | Select server,state,healthset,alertvalue,lasttransitiontime,monitorcount #-AutoSize            
$GetStuff = Get-HealthReport -Server $Computer | where {$_.alertvalue -ne “Healthy”} | Select server,state,healthset,alertvalue,lasttransitiontime,monitorcount #-AutoSize            
$GetStuff | ConvertTo-Html -head $style -body "Get-HealthReport from $Computer" | Out-File "$logPath\$Computer-$Date.html"            
# Remove previously created combined.html            
Remove-Item $logPath\combined.html            
#Combine all the html files in to one file               
Get-Content -path $logPath\*.html | Add-Content -Path $logPath\combined.html            
#Send email message            
Send-Mailmessage -To $smtpto -From $smtpfrom -SmtpServer $smtpserver -Subject $messagesubject -Body (Get-Content $logpath\combined.html | Out-String) -BodyasHtml            
# Remove all html files to prevent filling the disk            
Remove-Item $logpath\*.html

14 March 2017

Skype Online New-CsOnlineSession - Create a shortcut for your Online Sessions

The way to connect to Skype Online according to Microsoft:

Import-Module SkypeOnlineConnector            
$cred = Get-Credential            
$CSSession = New-CsOnlineSession -Credential $cred            
Import-PSSession $CSSession -AllowClobber

While this works, it can be done faster:

Create a RemoteSkypeOnlineSession.ps1 file and paste the above in it and save it preferably in OneDrive.
Then on your desktop create new shortcut and point the source to the saved file in OneDrive.

Adjust the "Target" with this:
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noexit -command ". 'C:\Users\YourUsername\OneDrive\PowerShell\RemotePSSession\RemoteSkypeOnlineSession.ps1'"

When the Shortcut has been edited shift right click it and select "Run as a Administrator".
Enter your credentials and the PowerShell console will load the Exchange command-lets.

When you're finished with the session don't forget to exit the session, otherwise all the Powershell session will be used and there will be none left when you try to start another session.
There are 3 sessions per Admin account, and a total of 9 sessions per tenant.

Get-Psssession | fl id,session            
Remove-Psssession - id id-number  

Or use:        
Remove-psssession -name Sessionname

Skype Online authenticating proxy - 407 Proxy Authentication Required

When trying to sign in to Skype Online from the Skype for Business (2015) Control panel sitting behind an authenticating proxy you may receive the following:

You need to setup your proxy to allow the nececsary sites to be accessed without authentication.
Going through your proxy log you can see what sites are connected to.
These are the once that where accessed at my site. 


Yours could be different, there are quite a lot of sites and ip addresses linked with Skype Online, Office365 and Exchange Online as you can see here:


After allowing all these sites through your proxy you should be able to login to Skype Online with your tenant ID.