
24 June 2021

Run Sysinternals from the live location

Run Sysinternals from the live location

Run the below command to add the path to your environment variables:

SETX PATH "%PATH%;\\\tools;"

Then you can run all the Sysinternal tools directly from the RUN command line

22 June 2021

Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message:
The WSMan client cannot process the request. Proxy is not supported under HTTP transport. Change the transport to HTTPS and specify valid proxy information and try again.

Check the following location in the registry:HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections\WinHttpSettings

In the WinHttpSettings dword entry there will be an entry to a proxy server.
Delete the entire key.

Remove-Item HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections\WinHttpSettings -Recurse

02 June 2021

We couldn't sign you in. Please try again

 We couldn't sign you in. Please try again.

And then your in a loop. Clearing the browser cache helps sometimes, but that's not the real reason why you are seeing this error.
Have you been reducing the number of global admins recently?
Or perhaps you have been messing around with PIM (Privilidged Access Management)?

Chances are you assigned yourself a load of Roles, because you are important and you need all the different roles.
But when adding to many roles to your account that's when you will see the error above.
So simple solution, lose some roles on your account.