
23 August 2016

Fastest way to create and fill (multiple) relay allowed receive connectors, and remove multiple ip addresses

UPDATE 15-09-2016

Bulk remove

After adding all the old ip addresses at once, now was the time to remove some old ip addresses from servers that we're decommissioned.

Turn's out the script below can be edited at 1 character and it does the complete opposite.
Instead of adding it removes. Look at the line number 72:
Notice the "+" sign? Change this to "-" and it removes the IP addres.
The script shows its progress at the console, but it shows "Adding" instead of "Removing".
So when cleaning up the code to represent the correct Write-Host info I ended up with this:
function get_RecConnector{

  $RecConns = Get-ReceiveConnector | Select -ExpandProperty Identity
 $Count = 0;
 Write-Host "Bulk Add of Remote IP Addresses for Exchange Receive Connectors" -ForegroundColor Green
 Write-Host "Version 0.1" -ForegroundColor Green
 Write-Host "" -ForegroundColor Green
 Write-Host ""
 Write-Host "Detected Receive Connectors: " -ForegroundColor Cyan
 Write-Host ""
 foreach($Connector in $RecConns){
  Write-Host $Count "." $Connector -ForegroundColor White
  $Count ++
 Write-Host ""
 $Choice = Read-Host "Please select the Receive Connector that you wish to work with."
 Write-Host ""
 import_RemoteIPRanges $RecConns[$Choice]

 function import_RemoteIPRanges{

 $FileName = Select-FileDialog "Open IP Range Text File..."
 $IPs = Get-Content $FileName
  foreach($IP in $IPs){
   Write-Host "Adding IP Address :" $IP " to "$ConnectorID -ForegroundColor Cyan
        $Rcnn = Get-ReceiveConnector "$ConnectorID"
        $Rcnn.RemoteIPRanges += $IP
        Set-ReceiveConnector "$ConnectorID" -RemoteIPRanges $Rcnn.RemoteIPRanges


Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Script Completed." -ForegroundColor Yellow

The script uses a text file in the same way as the "Add" script, simply paste your IP addresses in a new Remove.txt file and point to it when the script runs.

Bulk Add

Had to create 6 new receive connectors on separate servers, with the email relay allowed ip addresses from an old Exchange 2010 connector.

So first export the old: (See this previous post of mine)
Get-ReceiveConnector "sr-XXXXX\smtp relay" | fl remoteipranges | 
out-file "d:\temp\smtp relay sr-XXXX.txt"

Then edit this file so that every ip address is on a single line without spaces, like so:

Now create the new send connectors, and note that on a multi role Exchange server you can't choose "Hubtransport" as connector type. If you do you'll get an error stating that there's already a connector with those exact same settings.

New-ReceiveConnector -Name "SMTP-Relay-SR-XXXXX" -Server sr-XXXXX -Usage Custom 
-Bindings -RemoteIPRanges -MaxMessageSize 30MB -TransportRole 
frontendtransport -Enabled $False
Notice the "RemoteIPRanges" value, it has to have a value so remember to edit that out after importing the old ip address range from the old connector.
Also note the "-Enabled $False" value, if the security settings are in place and the ip address import went successful and the DNS entry for the connector is in place then enable it.

Then download the "BulkImportRemoteIPonRecConn.ps1" script from Andy Grogan to import the IP addresses. The script still works on Exchange 2013, not sure on 2016.

Then run the script:

[PS] C:\_Scripts\_TEST\BulkImportRemoteIpReceiveConnector>
Bulk Import of Remote IP Addresses for Exchange Receive Connectors
Version 0.1

 Detected Receive Connectors:

 0 . Servername\Client Servername
1 . Servername\Client Servername
2 . Servername\Default Servername
3 . Servername\Default Servername
4 . Servername\Default Servername
5 . Servername\Client Proxy Servername
6 . Servername\Default Frontend Servername
7 . Servername\Outbound Proxy Frontend Servername
8 . Servername\Client Frontend Servername
9 . Servername\XXXXX_inbound
10 . Servername\Default Servername
11 . Servername\Client Proxy Servername
12 . Servername\Client Frontend Servername
13 . Servername\XXXXX_inbound
14 . Servername\Default Servername
15 . Servername\Client Proxy Servername
16 . Servername\Default Frontend Servername
17 . Servername\Client Frontend Servername
18 . Servername\XXXXX_inbound
19 . Servername\Default Servername
20 . Servername\Client Proxy Servername
21 . Servername\Default Frontend Servername
22 . Servername\Outbound Proxy Frontend Servername
23 . Servername\Client Frontend Servername
24 . Servername\XXXXX_inbound
25 . Servername\Default Servername
26 . Servername\Client Proxy Servername
27 . Servername\Default Frontend Servername
28 . Servername\Outbound Proxy Frontend Servername
29 . Servername\Client Frontend Servername
30 . Servername\XXXXX_inbound
31 . Servername\Default Servername
32 . Servername\Client Proxy Servername
33 . Servername\Default Frontend Servername
34 . Servername\Outbound Proxy Frontend Servername
35 . Servername\Client Frontend Servername
36 . Servername\XXXXX_inbound
37 . Servername\Outbound Proxy Frontend Servername
38 . Servername\Default Frontend Servername
39 . Servername\Outbound Proxy Frontend Servername
40 . Servername\SMTP relay
41 . Servername\SMTP relay
42 . Servername\SMTP-Relay-Servername
43 . Servername\SMTP-Relay-Servername
44 . Servername\SMTP-Relay-Servername
45 . Servername\SMTP-Relay-Servername
46 . Servername\SMTP-Relay-Servername
47 . Servername\SMTP-Relay-Servername

 Please select the Receive Connector that you wish to work with.: 47

 Adding IP Address :  to  Servername\SMTP-Relay-Servername
Adding IP Address :  to  Servername\SMTP-Relay-Servername
Adding IP Address :  to  Servername\SMTP-Relay-Servername
Adding IP Address :  to  Servername\SMTP-Relay-Servername
Adding IP Address :  to  Servername\SMTP-Relay-Servername
Adding IP Address :  to  Servername\SMTP-Relay-Servername
Adding IP Address :  to  Servername\SMTP-Relay-Servername
Adding IP Address :  to  Servername\SMTP-Relay-Servername
Adding IP Address :  to  Servername\SMTP-Relay-Servername
Adding IP Address :  to  Servername\SMTP-Relay-Servername
Adding IP Address :  to  Servername\SMTP-Relay-Servername
Adding IP Address :  to  Servername\SMTP-Relay-Servername
Adding IP Address :  to  Servername\SMTP-Relay-Servername
Adding IP Address :  to  Servername\SMTP-Relay-Servername

Adding IP Address :  to  Servername\SMTP-Relay-Servername
Script Completed.
[PS] C:\_Scripts\_TEST\BulkImportRemoteIpReceiveConnector>

After the script completes set the security so Anonymous user access is granted. You have to do this at two places, one in PowerShell:
Get-ReceiveConnector "Servername\smtp-relay-Servername" | 
Add-ADPermission -User 'NT AUTHORITY\Anonymous Logon' 
-ExtendedRights MS-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Recipient
And one in the EAC on (all) the newly created receive connectors

Your connectors are done.

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