First export every thing I need:
Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -filter * | select Name,DistinguishedName | Export-csv -path C:\temp\OUexport.csv -NoTypeInformation-Users: (per specific OU)
Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchScope OneLevel -SearchBase "OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=lan" -Properties CanonicalName,CN,DisplayName,GivenName,Name,Surname | Export-Csv "C:\Temp\PeopleExport.csv" Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchScope OneLevel -SearchBase "OU=External,OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=lan" -Properties CanonicalName,CN,DisplayName,GivenName,Name,Surname | Export-Csv "C:\Temp\ExternalExport.csv" Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchScope OneLevel -SearchBase "OU=Regular Accounts,OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=lan" -Properties CanonicalName,CN,DisplayName,GivenName,Name,Surname | Export-Csv "C:\Temp\RegularAccountsExport.csv" Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchScope OneLevel -SearchBase "OU=RandomName,OU=External,OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=lan" -Properties CanonicalName,CN,DisplayName,GivenName,Name,Surname | Export-Csv "C:\Temp\RandomNameExternalExport.csv"-Groups:
Get-ADgroup -filter * | select Name,DistinguishedName,samaccountname,groupcategory,groupscope | Export-csv -path "C:\temp\GroupsExport.csv"Then copy the .csv's to the new domain controller in C:\Temp.
Go through the files an find and replace the domainname to the new domainname.
You have to do something extra for the Group's.
In Notepad++ search and replace the CN- value for the DistinguishedName value.
It will look like this in the csv file:
But it needs to be:
This is because the CN does not exist yet.
This is because the CN does not exist yet.
To replace the "CN=*," value use this in notepad++: \CN=.*?,
Where "\CN=" searches for "CN=", "*" searches for everything between "=" and "," and "?," stops the search where the "," is found.Then import:
#Import AD Module - RSAT must be installed or run from DC Import-Module ActiveDirectory #Varibale location for CSV file $ous = Import-Csv -Path "C:\temp\OUexport.csv" # For each function to create OU's foreach ($ou in $ous) { # Function Variables $ouname = $ $oudn = $ou.DistinguishedName # Function New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $ouname -Path $oudn -ManagedBy 'domain admins' }-Users:
Import-Csv .\PeopleExport.csv | New-ADUser -Enabled $True -Path 'OU=People,DC=sapgrc,DC=local' -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString Pass123 -AsPlainText -force) Import-Csv .\externenExport.csv | New-ADUser -Enabled $True -Path 'OU=Externen,OU=People,DC=sapgrc,DC=local' -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString Pass123 -AsPlainText -force) Import-Csv .\algemeneaccountsexport.csv | New-ADUser -Enabled $True -Path 'OU=Algemene Accounts,OU=People,DC=sapgrc,DC=local' -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString Pass123 -AsPlainText -force) Import-Csv .\testexternenExport.csv | New-ADUser -Enabled $True -Path 'OU=TEST,OU=Externen,OU=People,DC=sapgrc,DC=local' -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString Pass123 -AsPlainText -force)-Groups:
#Import AD Module - RSAT must be installed or run from DC Import-Module ActiveDirectory #Import CSV $csv = Import-Csv -Path "C:\Temp\GroupsExport.csv" #Loop through all items in the CSV ForEach ($item In $csv) { #Create the group if it doesn't exist $create = New-ADGroup -Path $item.DistinguishedName -SamAccountName $item.SamAccountName -GroupCategory $item.GroupCategory -GroupScope $item.GroupScope -Name $item.Name Write-Host "Group $($item.Name) created!" }
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