Now that's a mouthful, but a question that's asked often.
And that's not strange at all, because after moving most of your mailboxes to Exchange Online, the inevitable new shared mailbox request will pop up.
Only to find out that if created in the old way you need to manually move it Exchange Online.
And if you create shared mailbox in the ECP you will soon find that you problably made the wrong choice and the new mailbox is not visible in your on-premises Active Directory.
There's where this script comes to the recue.
It creates a remote shared mailbox, a distribution group for full access and send-as rights, adds that group to the mailbox, hides the distribution group because we only use it for access rights.
Then login to Exchange Online, disable POP, IMAP, Activesync and OWA, and resets the proxy settings if neccesary.
This can also be used to create usermailboxes, just tweak it to your needs.
It's also on my Github:
param ($Alias,$DisplayName) # Show countdown timer Function Start-Countdown { Param( [Int32]$Seconds = 600, [string]$Message = "Waiting for 10 minutes" ) ForEach ($Count in (1..$Seconds)) { Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity $Message -Status "Waiting for $Seconds seconds, `
$($Seconds - $Count) left" -PercentComplete (($Count / $Seconds) * 100) Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity $Message -Status "Completed" -PercentComplete 100 -Completed } # Load Exchange Powershell module #add-pssnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010 add-pssnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.SnapIn # Load Active Directory Powershell module import-module activedirectory # Setup variables $DomainController="servername.domain.lan" $OU='domain.lan/Groups/Mail/Shared Mailboxes' $OU2='domain.lan/Groups/Mail/Shared Mailbox Groups' $UPNdomain = "" $UPNRemoteDomain = "" if ($Alias) { if ($Alias.Contains('@')) { $Alias = $Alias.Substring(0,$Alias.IndexOf('@')) } $AliasMailbox = Get-Mailbox $Alias -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $AliasMailUser = Get-MailUser $Alias -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($AliasMailbox -or $AliasMailUser) { Write-Host "The Alias specified already exists" -ForegroundColor red $Alias = $null } } while (!$Alias) { $Alias = Read-Host -Prompt "Alias (max 20 caracters)" if ($Alias) { if ($Alias.Contains('@')) { $Alias = $Alias.Substring(0,$Alias.IndexOf('@')) } $AliasMailbox = Get-Mailbox $Alias -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $AliasMailUser = Get-MailUser $Alias -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($AliasMailbox -or $AliasMailUser) { Write-Host "The Alias specified already exists" -ForegroundColor red $Alias = $null } } } if ($DisplayName) { $DisplayNameMailbox = Get-Mailbox $DisplayName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $DisplayNameMailUser = Get-MailUser $DisplayName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($DisplayNameMailbox -or $DisplayNameMailUser) { Write-Host "The Display Name specified already exists" -ForegroundColor red $DisplayName = $null } } while (!$DisplayName) { $DisplayName = Read-Host -Prompt "Display Name (As many caracters as you like)" if ($DisplayName) { $DisplayNameMailbox = Get-Mailbox $DisplayName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $DisplayNameMailUser = Get-MailUser $DisplayName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($DisplayNameMailbox -or $DisplayNameMailUser) { Write-Host "The Display Name specified already exists" -ForegroundColor red $DisplayName = $null } } } # Setup more variables $Alias=$Alias.ToLower() $UPN=$Alias + $UPNDomain $UPNRemoteRoutingAddress = $Alias + $UPNRemoteDomain Sleep 10 # Create the SharedMailbox Write-Host "Creating Shared Mailbox" -ForegroundColor green New-RemoteMailbox -RemoteRoutingAddress "$UPNRemoteRoutingAddress" -Shared -UserPrincipalName "$UPN" `
-OnPremisesOrganizationalUnit $OU -Alias $alias -Name $alias -DisplayName $displayname `
-PrimarySmtpAddress $UPN -SamAccountName $alias -DomainController $domaincontroller Write-Host "Created Shared Mailbox" -ForegroundColor green Sleep 10 # Set the description for the SharedMailbox Write-Host "Set Description" -ForegroundColor green Set-ADUser $Alias -Description "Shared Mailbox t.b.v. $Displayname" Write-Host "Description set" -ForegroundColor green Sleep 10 # Create the distributiongroup for security use Write-Host "Creating Office365 Distributiongroup" -ForegroundColor green New-DistributionGroup -DisplayName "SM.$alias" -Type Security -Alias "SM.$alias" -Name "SM.$alias" -Organizationalunit $OU2 Write-Host "Office365 Distributiongroup created" -ForegroundColor green Sleep 10 # Hide distributiongroup Write-Host "Set Office365 distributiongroup hidden" -ForegroundColor green Set-DistributionGroup -Identity "SM.$alias" -HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled:$true Write-Host "Office365 distributiongroup set to hidden" -ForegroundColor green Sleep 30 # Sync AADConnect and wait for the account to show up online Write-Host "Starting Adsynccycle now" -ForegroundColor red Invoke-Command -ComputerName servername.domain.lan -Port 5986 -UseSSL -ScriptBlock { Start-ADSyncSyncCycle -PolicyType Delta } Write-Host "Adsynccycle has run" -ForegroundColor green Write-Host "Waiting for AzureAD sync" -ForegroundColor green #Start-Countdown -Seconds 600 -Message "Waiting for 10 minutes" $Time = 600 $i = 0 Do { $i++ Write-Progress -Activity 'Waiting for 10 minutes' -Status 'Status' -PercentComplete (($i/$Time)*100) -SecondsRemaining ($Time-$i) Start-Sleep 1 } Until ($i -eq $Time) # Set the PowerShell session to use the proxy netsh winhttp set proxy proxy.domain.lan:8080 Write-Host "Proxy Set" -ForegroundColor green # Connect to ExchangeOnline PowerShell Connect-ExchangeOnline -ShowProgress $true Write-Host "Connected to ExchangeOnline" -ForegroundColor green # Disable Mailbox features Write-Host "Disabeling OWA, POP, IMAP, ActiveSync" -ForegroundColor green Set-CASMailbox -Identity $Alias -imapenabled $false -owaenabled $false `
-OWAforDevicesEnabled $false -popEnabled $false -ActiveSyncEnabled $false -PopUseProtocolDefaults $false -ImapUseProtocolDefaults $false Write-Host "OWA, POP, IMAP, ActiveSync disabled" -ForegroundColor green Sleep 10 # Add the distributiongroup to the sharedmailbox with Full Access Write-Host "Setting Mailbox Full Access Permissions" -ForegroundColor green Add-MailboxPermission –Identity: $Alias –AccessRights:FullAccess –user:"SM.$Alias" Write-Host "Full Access Permissions set" -ForegroundColor green Sleep 10 # Add the distributiongroup to the sharedmailbox with Send-as Write-Host "Setting Mailbox Send-as Permissions" -ForegroundColor green Add-ADPermission –Identity "$Alias" –user "SM.$Alias" –ExtendedRights 'Send-as' -DomainController $DomainController Write-Host "Send-as Permissions set" -ForegroundColor green Sleep 10 # Reset proxy to direct access netsh winhttp reset proxy Write-Host "Proxy Set to default" -ForegroundColor green Write-Host "Script Finished" -ForegroundColor green Write-Host "Close this window " -ForegroundColor Red
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