26 January 2016

Lync/Skype addressbook cannot be downloaded

This seems to to happen very often, and rumor has it that it's a bug Microsoft hasn't addressed yet.

The addressbook can't be downloaded for some reason, and gives the above error.
There's a pretty simple way of getting rid of it according to this post by Jeff Schertz.

First check your current Global Policy settings:

The idea is to only let it do a websearch.

Create a new CLientpolicy:
New-CsClientPolicy -Identity AddressBookClientPolicy -AddressBookAvailability WebSearchOnly

The assign it to a user to test it:
Grant-CsClientPolicy -Identity Username -PolicyName AddressBookClientPolicy

To find all users that have no Clientpolicy set:
(Get-CsClientPolicy -Identity ChicagoClientPolicy).psobject.properties |? {$_.value}| select name,value

Now to see all this in action on a Lync\Skype client.
Log off from Lync\Skype.
Go to %userprofile%\appdata\Local\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Lync and delete the GALcontacts.db and GALcontacts.db.idx files.
(You may want to check other folders depending on your Lync Skype version.)
Now log back on a gain. Voila the error is gone, and all your searches go through the Address book on the server, with the big advantage of it always being the most up to date version.

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